Culture, Web Development

White Lion’s Hosting Platform Saw 99.98% Uptime in 2014

White Lion — January 14, 2015

First and foremost, we are a web and mobile design and development company.  At the same time, providing hosting is a key part of what we do for a good cross section of our clients.  On that note, we are a team of professionals who understand the high costs and branding hits associated with sites being down. High quality web and mobile design and development must be matched with high performance hosting.

Hard at work in the background, hosting uptime is often the unsung hero of a successful website which is why we are putting a spotlight on our 2014 hosting metrics.

In 2014 we realized a 99.98% uptime that translated to only about one hour for the entire year when the environment was unreachable and about thirty minutes when the response time was slower than desired.

Starting back in 1995, our hosting vision has always been to create a secure and highly responsive environment. Designed exclusively for our clients, the White Lion hosting platform is comprised of both hardware and virtualized servers hosted at Rackspace.

24-Hour Around-the-Clock Support

So how did we achieve an impressive 99.98% uptime for our hosting platform in 2014? Having to deal with a technology emergency at 2:01 AM is no party, and that’s why we hired OutServ way back in 2007 to proactively monitor and maintain our hosting environment 24-7/365.  The OutServ team is a big part of our hosting performance and uptime success.

“At OutServ, we are proud that our 24×7 site management services helped White Lion and their clients achieve near-perfect (>99.98%) hosting availability and performance in 2014. The OutServ team has been helping businesses connect with customers on the Internet for over 20 years. In that time, we have learned that the clearest path to success online is by working with great companies like White Lion where integrity, excellence, innovation, and respect (for clients, employees and partners) are values that define how they do business. Congratulations, to White Lion and your clients!”
David Maynard, President & CTO at, Inc.

Additionally, our development team and our hosting processes played a significant role in our 99.98% uptime and the Rackspace data center and team performed like a champ.

We look forward to another year of high performance hosting for our clients.

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