Culture, Design, Web Development

Fresh Code: has launched!

Andrew Hamlin — February 16, 2017

As a start-up, PetNet came to us needing a complete marketing package – a logo, full branding, a website, collateral materials and tradeshow displays. We gladly accepted the challenge and are proud to show you the results.

Taking care of your pet when something happens to you

PetNet provides a safety net service for pet owners to have their pet rehomed if a major life event or unforeseen circumstance occurs and they are no longer able to care for them. PetNet partners with rescue organizations nationwide to ensure pets are rehomed; giving owners or family members peace of mind the pets will be lovingly cared for.



A website to process transactions and sign-up for service

The website needed to make it easy for pet owners to sign-up and pay for the service. This would include pricing tiers and the interval they wanted to pay by (e.g. monthly, annually, one-time fee, etc.).

It was also important the website content be easy to update. As a start-up, they knew their message may need to change and adapt to the marketplace as they ramped up.


A WordPress site that purrs like a kitten

We chose WordPress as the content management solution for their website. WordPress provided an efficient way to develop their website rapidly and gave us the ability to integrate custom tools to manage their specific content needs.

We used plugins for the e-commerce portion of the site, but we took it one step further to give the PetNet team what they needed to succeed. Our custom development team was able to customize the plugins to achieve their specific business rules.

For content management, we didn’t just rely on the out-of-the-box page editing that WordPress provides. We included several custom post types to make it easier for the PetNet team to manage the frequently changing content on the site.

Special features that will make you heel

One such content area is on the Partners page where the PetNet team can manage a list of partners who have teamed up to be a part of their rehoming network.

The PetNet team just edits a very simple list of partners in no particular order. That’s because we added a custom post type to reorder the list and display the companies alphabetically on the front-end; all while keeping the multi-column company list responsive as the screen narrows from desktop to mobile.


Results that had our client doing back flips

It turns out that within the first few hours of the show opening, PetNet had their first paying client – a full-priced rehome for a sweet dog.

“We had an amazing launch this weekend and are reeling to catch up. You guys are awesome!”

Brenda Collier, President & Co-Founder of PetNet

With feedback from the tradeshow in hand, we were asked to design some additional pages to promote the team behind PetNet, and bolster their selling proposition. Be sure to check out the adorable office staff at the bottom of the about us page.


Breathing life into a new company

We’re all animal lovers at White Lion so we were thrilled to be able to support PetNet with a new logo brand, fully functioning WordPress site and e-commerce add-ons. We are confident they are going to fill a much-needed niche to help take care of your pets. Contact us when you are ready to get your project off the ground. No project is too bg or small. We are web developers that would love to help you find a custom solution for your unique idea.

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