Web Development

Will Your Website Fail This Test?

White Lion — February 01, 2018

Website Test

These days, it is near impossible to have a successful business without a website. But more than that, you begin to lose credibility and revenue when your users find your website difficult to use.

It is no longer just about having a website. You need to have a website that is user-friendly. Your website needs to be easy for the user to traverse through with a clear blueprint and guide of where you want them to go next. If users find your website slow, untrustworthy, and unresponsive, do you think they are likely to stay? And if you cannot get your users to stay on your site do you think it likely you will make a conversion? Maybe, but it becomes much more difficult.

Great websites are great because they load quickly, are easy to read and navigate through, and format to the screen you are visiting on. The websites that you love work this way because someone implemented these specific things to make your experience enjoyable.

Think about your website. What grade would you give it? Are you even sure how to grade it? Do you know what criteria to use to give it a grade?

Get a Grade for Your Website

Start by heading over to the Website Grader created by Hubspot to see just how well your site ranks. After you input your website’s URL, it will ask for your email, generate your results, and give you a score. The site shows you where you can focus your time and money to get the most ROI.

Let Us Help You Read Your Results.

The test will break your website down into four categories: Performance, Mobile, SEO, and Security.

If you ran your website through the grader and found that your site isn’t performing as well as you would like it to, know that we are here to help. So before you allow panic to set it, contact us and let us know where your weak spots are. Whether it be performance, mobile, SEO, Security, or all of the above, White Lion is here to serve you and address all of your website development needs.

Is Your Website Hurting Your Business Opportunities?

As you are reviewing your results and thinking about your next steps there are lots of things to keep in mind. Consider that If you don’t invest in maintaining your website you could be losing out on:

  • revenue opportunities
  • new business leads
  • improving on conversion rates
  • having consumers find you easily
  • organic traffic

Bottom Line: The point of a website is for consumers to learn about your business, determine if you can solve their problem with what you offer and finally contact or buy from you as soon as possible. If that’s not happening, you need to take action as soon as possible.

With over 20 years of experience in web design and development, we want to be your trusted guide in the digital jungle. Let us help you create conversions for your business or company.

Once you share your results with us, we can begin to talk about how to help improve your site and ultimately your business.

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