Culture, Design, Web Development

Fresh Code: has launched!

Amy Holcomb — February 17, 2016

We just developed and launched a new web application for The platform serves as a marketing outlet for political candidates affording them a new method of engaging and connecting with potential voters. We are confident that Votegraph will soon be established as a premier online resource for the public to identify and learn about political candidates who share their ideals.

Our Marching Orders

From the onset, our goal was to create a site that was not only engaging and intuitive for visitors, but also quickly motivate them to create a profile and interact with site content. Additionally, consideration was given to creating a scalable foundation which can support future phase upgrades as market demands dictate. In creating the site we relied heavily on the client’s vision and specifications while at the same time injecting our own design standards and emphasis on intuitive usability along the way.

Development Firepower Included

We don’t want to give away all the secrets, but what we can tell you is this site really allowed us to flex our development muscles. We included everything from subtle animations to increase user delight to custom payment handling and security features to allow for unique billing.

  • Angular JS – To handle step by step form data capture
  • Stripe – Payment integration
  • Twilio – Text message security verification
  • Mandrill – Transmits emails from web server to voters
  • – The driver behind the queue service used to defer the processing of a time consuming tasks to drastically speeds up web requests
  • reCAPTCHA – To prevent robots from creating spam and abuse

Built Specifically for the Needs of Candidates and Voters

The site has two types of users — Candidates and Voters. As a candidate you can build up a network of followers while at the same time establishing and defining your political platform. Candidates can share announcements and post events to their followers, as well as create and define their stance on any political topic or plank. As a voter, you can search for candidates in your area and browse candidate profiles to compare their stance on various political topics. Voters can follow candidates and seamlessly upgrade their account if they want to become a candidate themselves.

Votegraph will soon serve as an invaluable resource for candidates to reach voters, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to have been involved in this amazing opportunity.





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