Culture, Process, Web Development

How To Avoid Common Workflow Mistakes in Your Next Web Development Project

White Lion — January 27, 2016

We are all quite familiar with the truth that the hip bone’s connected to the backbone. The backbone’s connected to the shoulder bone. The shoulder bone’s connected to the neck bone. And while this is quite important for human existence, the same concept can be applied to successful web development projects. Albeit, the components may change slightly. The client’s connected to the account manager. The account manager is connected to the information architect. The information architect is connected to the project manager and so on. This pattern must continue all the way down to the tiniest toe bone – I mean developer. If any of these components become disconnected during the process, the whole team will feel the same pain and be in need of the same surgery.

The White Lion Workflow

Just like all bodies are made slightly differently, so too are all development team workflows. Here at White Lion, we have leveraged over 20 years of industry experience to tailor a workflow that meets our team and clients’ needs. Specifically, that means all projects start externally with the client, come through our internal workflow, and then navigate our QA channel on their way back outside for continued client engagement. This cycle continues in an iterative process until all involved parties are satisfied:


No man is an island. No project should be either.

It is often tempting to circumnavigate these gates in exchange for perceived speed and/or flexibility. However, while you are doing a disservice for not integrating a small project into your typical workflow, you are doing an even larger disservice by allowing a large project to sit outside of it. There is an age-old phrase that stresses the irony in this temptation; “We do not have time to do it right, but we have time to do it twice!” The above workflow ensures that all interested parties have a structured opportunity to express concerns and/or make improvements. These gates may seem like a burden or time-waster, but they dramatically increase a team’s efficiency and reduce a project’s lifespan. During moments of implied urgency, many development teams fall into the following dreaded pattern:


While this workflow may appear to be more efficient, it almost always leads to scope-creep, conflicts, miscommunication, overlooked bugs, and long-term issues resulting in the need for surgery.

Workflow. Implemented. For. Efficiency. (Happy W.I.F.E. happy life!)

At the end of the day, these workflows start and end with the client. They are the visionary and the final decision maker. At White Lion, we stress the importance of client involvement throughout our process. Therefore, it is increasingly important to guide the client and ensure they are educated throughout. By circumnavigating these structured practices, we may receive a short term “perceived speed.” However, by respecting their implementation, we will enjoy lifelong benefits of efficiency that drive down costs and accent satisfaction. All of this, with the neck bone still firmly connected to the head bone.

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