Culture, Web Development

The Property Society Website Gets a New Lease

White Lion — April 01, 2015

We recently launched a new website for The Property Society, an Austin-based property management company and real estate broker, whose services include sales, leasing and maintenance.

The Property Society approached White Lion with the desire to produce a freshly designed site that would be accessible on all devices. With a business model very much driven by face-to-face interaction, The Property Society’s primary goal was to provide users information about their services and give them easy access to contact information.

Customizing WordPress for the Real Estate World

Using our White Lion WordPress theme, we crafted a modern, responsive website, making use of subtle interactions to boost user engagement and delight, and to encourage them to traverse the site’s dense content by breaking it up into smaller, easy-to-consume chunks.

Property Society

Property Society

The site features a custom home page and a custom page/content section to showcase featured communities The Property Society manages. Likewise, the site provides clear calls-to-action throughout, enticing users to contact The Property Society.

To achieve the site’s custom look and features, we relied heavily on WordPress custom post types, shortcodes and the Advanced Custom Fields plugin, making the site very simple for the client to maintain.

Ultimately, The Property Society was very happy with the final product, and we were equally pleased with the result.

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