Web Development

White Lion systems protected after “Bash Bug” security threat

White Lion — October 01, 2014

A new security threat known as the Bash Bug, or Shellshock, got a lot of attention this week and threatens to be bigger than the recent HeartBleed bug from earlier this year. According to CNET, the Bash Bug is a quarter-century-old security flaw that allows malicious code execution within the bash shell (commonly accessed through a Command Prompt on PC or Mac’s Terminal application) to take over an operating system and access confidential information.

We manage hosting for several websites on our servers, so we take security threats very seriously when it comes to serving our clients. We partner with IT professionals who provide 24-hour monitoring of our network-based services to help ensure operations are safe and secure.

As an active hosting steward it is our duty to act swiftly upon knowledge of any vulnerability like the Bash Bug. This week we worked with our IT team to review the vulnerabilities for our entire network and hosted websites and immediately took appropriate action to patch our systems.

We will continue to monitor the situation and take additional action if any further patches are issued.

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