Scott & White

Community Research Center for Senior Health

Services Provided

AJAX, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Custom Content Management System, EBP Toolkit, JavaScript, MySQL, PHP, Web Analytics

Scott & White Healthcare, along with the Texas A&M Health Science Center, and the Central Texas Aging, Disability & Veterans Resource Center, formed the Community Research Center for Senior Health (CRCSH) with a mission of engaging individuals and their communities in programs that improve senior health and well-being.

The Challenge

Historically, the CRCSH produced a printed Toolkit on Evidenced-Based Programming (EBP) for seniors. EBPs are programs thoroughly vetted by researchers and are shown to make positive differences in the lives of participants. While the toolkit provided a lot of useful information, it was difficult to digest and unwieldy as a quick reference resource. In order to reach a wider audience and improve engagement, the CRCSH wanted to move the toolkit online and make it searchable.

The Solution

White Lion did a deep dive into the toolkit with the Scott & White team to learn what aspects were most meaningful and actionable for the target audiences. Through this discovery we were able to recommend a more effective structure. The White Lion team transformed the toolkit into an interactive online resource with effortless wayfinding elements to orient users to the information they needed most.

Taking Things Step-By-Step

The Scott & White Evidence to Programs online toolkit makes it easy for organizations to easily educate themselves by stepping through the content from section to section and page to page using in-page contextual links, table of content links fixed to the bottom of the browser window, and keyword site search.

The Evidence is Good

At the end of the day, the Scott & White team and the CRCSH coalition remain “very satisfied” with the website and the performance of the “professional, creative and responsive” White Lion team devoted to developing the website. And as organizations continue to leverage the Evidence To Programs site as a learning tool, it continues to receive “good comments from numerous people about how useful the website is.”


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